A word on recent federal actions and Bates’ commitments

Dear Members of the Bates Community,

Like many of you, I have been following the recent executive orders and policy changes from the White House and working to understand their potential impact on Bates, our students, and our employees. Many of these announcements have been followed by legal challenges, further complicating the national landscape. It is all profoundly concerning and destabilizing.

Many members of our community—most notably, those who do not hold U.S. citizenship, LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, and allies—have rightfully expressed concerns about the impact of these federal actions on their lives, work, families, and communities. I deeply understand and experience those feelings and concerns. But Bates’ long-standing commitment to supporting students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds remains steadfast. 

Bates was founded on belief in the potential of all people, the power of open inquiry and education, and the possibility of a more just and humane society. Despite the challenges of the moment, we must not let division and fear tear at our connections. Each and every one of us belongs here and is an essential part of our community. 

College staff are working hard, both internally and with external partners, to understand and address new directives as they are issued. While we do not have answers to every question you might have, we want to share a list of the offices and people on campus whose expertise is especially relevant at this moment and who will have the most current and informed guidance to offer—along with much-needed support. You can find that list below.

We are also working on ways to further engage and inform the members of the Bates community about the current landscape. If you have ideas about how we might best achieve that goal, please write to equityandinclusion@bates.edu. In the meantime, let’s support each other, be kind to one another, remember to tend to our own well-being, and seek assistance and information if we need it.

Federal policy changes and proposals are coming rapidly, and we anticipate that there will be even more to navigate in this evolving and complex landscape. Amid all that is unknown, let me again assure you of one thing: Bates will remain true to its mission, values, and core commitments. We will not lose sight of who we are and what we believe. We will face the future—and shape the future—together. 


Resources for All Members of the Bates Community

For immediate threats to safety:
Campus Safety: 207-786-6111

If you are approached by law enforcement seeking information about a Bates student or employee—in person or via email—it is Bates College policy to direct them to Campus Safety, which is open 24 hours a day: 207-786-6254; emergency: 207-786-6111; pmenice@bates.edu

For questions about civil rights and Bates policies or to make a report of bias, harassment, or discrimination: Office of Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance (Gwen Lexow): 207-786-6445 or glexow@bates.edu; you may also file a report anonymously.

Resources for Students

For confidential conversation:
Bates Counseling and Psychological Services: 207-786-6200 or CAPS@bates.edu 

Bates Multifaith Chaplaincy (Raymond Clothier): 207-786-8272 or multifaithchaplaincy@bates.edu 

Bates Confidential Resource Advisor (Andrew Shepard): 207-753-6996 or CRA@bates.edu 

For multifaceted support:
Student Support Advisors

For identity-focused support:
Student Center for Belonging and Communityscbc@bates.edu

For questions regarding international student travel:
We strongly encourage all international students to ensure that your student (F-1) visa is up-to-date and valid. Please refer to messaging sent to you directly. If you have questions about traveling domestically or internationally, please contact: Center for Global Education (Shelley Palmer or Darren Gallant): 207-786-6223 or globaleducation@bates.edu 

Resources for Faculty and Staff

For confidential conversation:
Bates Ombuds 

Bates Multifaith Chaplaincy (Raymond Clothier): 207-786-8272 or multifaithchaplaincy@bates.edu 

Employee Assistance Program (off-campus program as part of Bates benefits)

For general support or accommodations:
Faculty: Dean of the Faculty’s Office: 207-786-6066 or deanoffaculty@bates.edu 

Staff: Human Resources: 207-786-6140 or hrdept@bates.edu 

For questions regarding visas tied to Bates employment:
Faculty: Dean of Faculty’s Office (Jason Schiedeman): 207-753-6982 or jscheide@bates.edu 

Staff: Human Resources: 207-786-6140 or hrdept@bates.edu

For questions regarding research funding/grants: Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance (Shonna Humphrey): 207-786-6243 or shumphre@bates.edu