Recruiting Research Participants
Some psychology courses, such as Psyc101: Introduction to Psychology, offer course credit to their students for participating in department-approved studies. This program assists student researchers by providing an incentive for others to participate in the study.
For more information about the participation pool, check out our FAQ.
If you are conducting research and would like to apply for department approval, please fill out the information on this website:
Whenever you are doing research on human participants, it is important to consult with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for information about research ethics for your project.
Preference is given to psychology and neuroscience seniors who are working on their thesis, and to students working closely with faculty in other capacities (such as a research assistant or as part of an independent study). In most cases, research projects for non-thesis classes, such as Psyc261: Research Methods, will not be approved. You should have your project approved before you begin collecting data.
All appointment scheduling is being done online now, so you should set up an account with,, or a similar site before you apply for an experiment number.
You can see the list of currently approved projects for the current semester in order to get a sense of what other types of projects have been approved and how much detail they describe their projects in.
Please contact Brian Pfohl if you have any questions about your project or the approval process.