Life After Bates

Life After Bates is a workshop series brought to you by Purposeful Work & the OIE. It is geared toward seniors, but open to students from all class years. These workshops aim to collaboratively engage with students about a variety of complex situations they may encounter outside of Bates. Our awareness of the challenges faced in life after Bates is constantly evolving, and we invite our campus community to contribute to our development of future workshops.
Workshops | 2023-2024
Taxes – January 2024
Deadlines, deductions, and student loan credits? This inevitable element of adult life – taxes – doesn’t have to be a mystery! This workshop was presented by Bates’ Dean Reese for students to learn all about when and how to file taxes.
Cooking and Groceries – February 2024
What’s for Dinner? Meal Planning, Cooking Demo, and the Secrets of Eating Well on a Budget.
In this interactive workshop, Bates Dining’s cooking team shared how to plan, shop, and cook a week of delicious meals on a budget. There was also a cooking gadget give-away!
Budgeting & Personal Finance – March 2024
This workshop, offered by FAME, the Finance Authority of Maine, discussed how to create a budget, manage money, and think about the financial aspects of life after college such as insurance, credit, and saving for retirement.
Unpacking the Job Offer – April 2024
Unpacking the Job Offer, Benefits, Retirement and Wellness Programs
Did you know there’s more to a job than a paycheck? The Bates Human Resources office presented this workshop to help students understand the elements of a job offer, including benefits packages, wellness programs, and other perks that employers may provide.
Roommates and Rentals – May 2024
Wondering what to expect or ask while looking for an apartment? How do you decide whether you will have roommates or not? This panel of Bates alumni provided a range of perspectives on living arrangements and strategies for finding housing in Boston, New York and Denver.
Alumni Panelists:
Mary Corcoran ‘22, Sanika Shah ‘22, Ben Conner ‘22, Tyler Shambaugh ’23
Facilitated by: Lucy Del Col ’24
Past Workshops:
Personal Finance
Budgeting and Personal Finance
Students learned how to create a budget, manage their money, and think about the financial aspects of life after college. This workshop was presented by Sam Abrahamson ’11, founder of, a website with free, bite-sized video lessons that teach about personal finance, career readiness, and more.
How to Invest with Sam & Sam from Onomy
401k or 403b? Ethereum or Bitcoin? And who is IRA Roth, anyway? This Investing 101 workshop was offered by Sam Abrahamson ’11, the co-founder of
Credit Cards & Debt
Good and bad debt, good, better and best credit cards, and how to stay (or climb) out of debt with Lauren Thomas of the Credit Abuse Resistance Education network. Here’s what onomy has to say about credit cards!
Dan Willsey ‘18, El Khansaa Khaddiou ‘20, and Topher Castenada ‘20 talked about how they’ve created a budget to fit their lifestyles in the cities of Lewiston, Portland, and NYC.
How to use credit wisely and avoid the debt debacle
Featured speakers from the Credit Abuse Resistance Education program:
Rich Goldman ’76, P’16, JD, Bankruptcy Attorney
Randy Creswell, JD, Shareholder, Perkins Thompson, P.A.
Taxes How-To
Deadlines, deductions, and student loan credits? No reason to dread tax day any longer! Senior auditor Andrew Murry, CPA/MBA, spoke about who, how, and when to file your taxes.
Financing your 20s: Budgeting and Saving
Featured experts included:
Helen Andreoli, Bates ’92, VP of Wealth Management, UBS
George Carr, Bates ’07, VP and Portfolio Manager, RM Davis
Kelsey Gillespie, Community Marketing Manager, Casco Bay FCU
Nate Hull, Associate, Verill Dana and speaker, Credit Abuse Resistance Education
Roommates and Renting
Wondering what to expect or ask while looking for an apartment? How do you decide whether you will have roommates or not? Students joined a conversation on planning and brainstorming strategies for renting and living with roommates.
Renting in NYC and Beyond
Moving to a city after graduation? Learn about apartment shopping! This presentation offered great advice for thinking about working with landlords, finding an apartment, and affording what you find – using New York as the example for what to consider with any large city. Featuring NYC Realtor Lauren Carter from Cooper and Cooper Real Estate. Topics included: Neighborhoods & Subways, The Application Process, Paperwork Requirements, Income & Credit Guidelines and more. See slides here.
How to Apartment
All you need to know about leases and contracts, rental insurance, finding the right place, communicating with landlords, getting your deposit back.
Guest speakers included:
Vince Ciampi, Bates ’12, Broker, CBRE The Boulos Company
Hawley Strait, Bates ’00, Real Estate Attorney, Bernstein Shur
Identity and Social Life
First Generation Cat’ Chat
First-gen Bates alumni shared their first-generation stories, Bates experiences, and offered advice for entering the workforce. This discussion was moderated by Charlene Holmes, Assistant Dean for First Generation Student Support and included the following guest alumni:
Afroz Baig ’11, Associate Attorney at McGillivary Steele Elkin LLP
Mike Hogan ’85, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer CSIM at Charles Schwab
Chris Barbin ’93, Venture Partner at GGV Capital, Entrepreneur & Advisor
Identity in the Workplace
Larry Handerhan ’05, President of the Alumni Association, and fellow panelists Kim Trauceniek (Student Life), Roy Montgomery (OIE) and Carolyn Starks (Admission), led a discussion about how, when, if… to be yourself in the workplace. Larry is the Chief of Staff for the D.C. Department of Human Services, previously worked at HUD for several years, and holds an MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University.
Friends and Fun: Finding Community After Bates
We know, we know. You don’t want to think about it. But you’ve told us loud and clear that when it gets real, your biggest fear is how to make and keep friends after Bates. How does it work when you’re not 24/7 living and eating with hundreds of your peers and your best friends?
Life After Bates: How to Survive and Thrive
A frank talk with recent Bates grads about how they transitioned from life after Bates and share tips and tricks for students who will soon be in their shoes! Topics include: friendships, wellness, apartment living, work-life balance, and more!
Questions? Suggestions? Dri Huber, Marianne Cowan or Amy Jaffe