Teaching in a Pandemic

Whether you are teaching in-person with facemasks, outdoors spread far apart, remotely with technology or a hybrid of any of these methods, we are all [still] teaching in a pandemic. There are important considerations of our selves and our students as we navigate these [not so] new teaching and learning environments.

Teaching with Care

Understanding our students needs as well as sustaining self-care is critical to best practice at this time (and all times). In fact, there are entire frameworks based on “pedagogies of care.” These include awareness of making all learning accessible for all students, inclusive and equitable practices, as well as explicit teaching of anti-racism and culturally responsive curricula. A few resources…

Pedagogies of Care Collection – West Virginia University

Coping with CoronavirusThe Chronicle of Higher Education

Teaching with Care Online – Crowdsourced (lots of resources applicable to in-person and any learning context)

Trauma-informed TeachingThe Chronicle of Higher Education

Higher Education Responding to Protest and Rebellion – Dr. Brandon Allen

Teaching in Socially Distanced Environment

Communicating with a Mask – UTexas College of Fine Arts

Active Learning while Physical Distancing – Clemson University


Student-centered teaching is essential to providing connected learning experiences, but more critical to good teaching is that the teacher stays healthy and well. Self-care is really a thing; we are living in a pandemic, too.

Science of Stress & Burnout – Brain Pickings

Avoid Pandemic Burnout – Inside Higher Ed

Cope with Covid-19 – The Chronicle of Higher Education


I welcome your suggestions and resources as well! Please connect with Kika Stump at estump@bates.edu