Data Governance at Bates College (REVISED)
Welcome to the Bates College Data Governance webpage. The purpose of data governance at Bates is to help people understand, access, interact with, and protect college data. This page is maintained by the Bates College Data Governance Group, which was established to oversee and govern the management, security, quality, and responsible use of college data.
- Classification of College Data
All college data are classified into levels to provide a basis for understanding and managing college data. This page describes how college data are classified and delineates which data are classified as Restricted, Internal, and Public. - Data Literacy (In progress)
- Data Dictionary (In progress)
- Roles and Responsibilities
Defined roles and responsibilities govern the management of, access to, and accountability for institutional data. This page defines the various data roles at the college (Trustee, Steward, Administrator, and User) and describes the responsibilities associated with each of these roles. It also provides an organizational scheme for trustees and stewards by administrative data area. - Data Request Form
Please use this form to request college data. Only users who are logged into their Bates Google account can access and use this form. If you are not already logged into your Bates Google account, please use this link.
Interact and Protect
- Data Usage Policy
General guidelines for accessing, handling, and safeguarding data at Bates College ensure security, privacy, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. - Data Management Guidelines
The college’s Data Management Guidelines provides technical guidance on the long-term storage, organization, and management of institutional data at Bates College. They outline best practices for determining appropriate storage solutions, managing access, and ensuring the proper retention and disposal of data.
Last updated/reviewed: January 2025