General Information

As you experience Reunion, we hope that you will enjoy and reflect on all that Bates has been and has become. We hope, too, that you will let us know how we can continue to improve the college’s connection to alumni.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Reunion volunteers — nearly 200 of them — for their efforts on behalf of their classes and the college. Reunion Weekend truly could not happen without them!
We look forward to seeing you throughout the weekend.
—The Bates Reunion Team
Parking Regulations
Cars may be left overnight on the street and in college parking lots, except in posted areas. Please respect accessible parking signs. Due to preparations for fireworks, the parking lot behind Lane Hall will not be available for parking until 11pm on Friday.
Security Information
While staying on campus, we ask that you take the same safety precautions you would when you travel elsewhere. Lock your residence hall room and do not leave valuables in your room even if it is locked. Keep track of your room keys and your electronic access card. There is a $25 charge for lost or unreturned keys and cards. Before you leave campus, please leave your room key and electronic access card at checkout in Commons.
Emergency only: 207-786-6111
Campus Safety: 207-786-6254
Lost and Found
Inquiries about lost items may be made at the Welcome Center in Commons until noon on Sunday and thereafter at the Office of Campus Safety, located at 245 College Street. On Monday, all unclaimed articles will be taken to the Office of College Advancement. You may call our office at 888-522-8371 with inquiries. Bates is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Smoking Regulations
Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings, including meeting rooms and college residence halls. The smoke detection system installed in residence hall rooms and common areas is quite sensitive. If you are using hairspray or other aerosol products, please step away from smoke detectors.
Health Services
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Central Maine Medical Center are within a mile of campus if you need medical attention during the weekend. Please call Campus Safety at 207-786-6254 if you need assistance. In case of an emergency on campus, please dial 207-786-6111.
Golf Carts
Golf carts are available for Reunion guests who need assistance with transportation around campus. Wave down a passing cart, ask a BatesStar, or call 207-786-6377 for assistance.
Internet Access
Please feel welcome to use the kiosks in Ladd Library. WiFi is also available across campus.
To access WiFi:
- Connect to “Bates Open” in WiFi settings.
- ClearPass Guest will open.
- Enter your name and email address.
- Accept terms of use and click register.
- Click login.
- You are now online!