Francesco G. Duina

Charles A. Dana Professor of Sociology



Pettengill Hall, Room 263

European Studies


M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University
B.A., M.A., University of Chicago

Duina – CV July 2024

Francesco Duina is Charles A. Dana Professor of Sociology and a faculty member of the European Studies Program at Bates College. He is also Chair of the Social Sciences Division and a member of the Academic Affairs Council (2022-2026).

Francesco has held appointments at Harvard University, Copenhagen Business School, and the University of British Columbia  – where he was Professor and Head of Sociology during 2013-2015.

His research addresses themes in economic and political sociology, international political economy, and globalization. His interests focus in particular on:

  1. how nation states (or groups of nation states, such as the EU) react to and shape the international economy
  2. the design and function of the EU and other international organizations
  3. how culture, institutions, and the economy interact
  4. the enduring relevance of national identities and cultures.

Along with scholars from five other universities, Francesco was a partner in the Jean Monnet Network on Transatlantic Trade Politics (Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union) for 2020-2024. The initiative was led by Carleton University.


Articles and Chapters

Francesco has published articles in a wide range of political science and sociology journals. These include the Review of International Political Economy, Review of International Studies, New Political Economy, Regulation & Governance, Comparative European Politics, Social Movement Studies, Socius, Economy and Society, Journal of European Public Policy, International Sociology, Contexts, and Territory, Politics, Governance.

Nine of those articles were co-authored with undergraduate students.

Francesco also has contributed chapters to numerous edited volumes.



Francesco has authored the following books:

UntitledBroke and Patriotic: Why Poor Americans Love Their Country (Stanford University Press 2018). Numerous media outlets have covered the book. These include, Minnesota Public Radio, Maine Public Radio, and i24 News TV. It won an Independent Publisher Book Award (2018) for Current Events.


The Social Construction of Free Trade: The EU, NAFTA, and Mercosur (Princeton University Press 2006). The book was translated into Chinese in 2009, and won the American Library Association Award for an Outstanding Academic Book.



 Institutions and the Economy (Polity Press 2011).




31ucQDu0xbL._SY90_Winning: Reflections on an American Obsession (Princeton University Press 2011). The book has attracted considerable media attention and was featured on two radio shows: WNPR Connecticut Public Radio (Where We Live) and WAMC Northeast Public Radio (Academic Minute).


image003Life Transitions in America (Polity Press 2014).




Harmonizing Europe: Nation States within the Common Market (SUNY Press 1999) .




The Populist Logic on the Environment book cover

The Populist Logic on the Environment  (Routledge 2024). This is a short book co-authored with Hermione Xiaoqing Zhou, a former Bates students.




Edited Special Issues and Volumes

Francesco has co-edited Standardizing the World: EU Trade Policy and the Road to Convergence (Oxford University Press 2023):

He co-edited special issues of the European Law Journal (on the spread of regional trade agreements worldwide) and Research in Political Sociology (on the European Union and its current crises).

He also edited  States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives (University of Toronto Press 2019):

He is now working on a co-edited volume (under contract with Oxford University Press for 2025) on the social acceptance of economic inequalities (The Social Acceptance of Inequality: On the Logics of a More Unequal World). 



Supportive of the idea that academics should reach a wider audience, Francesco has written op-eds and thought pieces in venues such as the Los Angeles Times, GuardianSan Francisco Chronicle,  Vancouver Sun, and EUobserver. He regularly appears at public events, such as this recent discussion on transatlantic digital trade, organized by the European Parliament Liaison Office (Washington D.C.) and Virginia Tech. And he has written several contributions for the London School of Economics’ EUROPP and Researching Sociology blogs.


Professional Service

Francesco is currently on the Editorial Advisory Board of Economy and Society, and on the editorial board of Contexts. 

Between 2010 and 2015, Francesco was a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of European Public Policy. Between 2015 and 2018, he served as an Elected Council Member of the American Sociological Association’s Section on Culture.

Over the years, Francesco has held various consulting positions, starting with The Monitor Group (now Monitor Deloitte) from 1996-2008.


Current Courses

Fall Semester 2024

EUS 290 / SOC 290
Political Sociology