SPARQ is a program of the OIE that strives to support all student’s development and knowledge of gender and sexuality. As a program, SPARQ offers peer mentoring, allyship education, and programming/events that focuses on the experiences of LGBTQ+ students. Through these programming opportunities, SPARQ aims to provide a consistent presence to inspire and foster a sense of community and connection for LGBTQ+, questioning/exploring and ally students at Bates.

See below for some frequently asked questions and check out the side panel to navigate to learn more about our programs/offerings.

Questions? Contact Asst Director for LGBTQ+ Programs at

What does SPARQ mean?

SPARQ is an acronym. When it was created, it was developed using some of the initial values and intentions for the program. SPARQ as an acronym means:

  • Support
  • Perspective
  • Allyship
  • Representation
  • Qmmunity (play on “Community)

What does SPARQ offer?

SPARQ offers a variety of support and resources, including:

  • Peer Mentorship
  • Peer Mentor drop-in hours and community building
  • Signature programs/events
  • Social and educational peer mentor led activities
  • Active Ally Workshops
  • and more!

How can I get involved with SPARQ?

There a multiple ways to get involved with SPARQ. Check out the sidebar and navigate to SPARQ signature programs to explore more.

Is SPARQ a student club?

No, SPARQ is not a student-led club. It is a program of the OIE. If you are interested in Bates College’s student-led club, consider connecting with OutFront through Bates Engage and follow them on Instagram