Engagement survey materials

Good Afternoon Staff Colleagues-

Thank you to everyone who attended the Staff Engagement and Well-being Survey presentations held this past Tuesday in Commons. We are excited to share that between the two in-person sessions and zoom attendees, we had over 180 staff members participate in the discussion!  This show of interest and support truly reflects our mission of a Better Bates Together, and for that, we are extremely grateful. 

Reminders and Next Steps:

1. To view the survey report materials, employees may visit this link, Key Findings Report, or click on the engagement survey button at the top of the Human Resources landing page. From that page, you will sign in with your standard network credentials in order to view the material. 

2. If you have any questions or comments about the report, or an idea to share with the engagement team, please email us at EmployeeEngagement@bates.edu or use the form within the link above. (Sharing your email address through this form is completely optional and your feedback will be confidential.)

3. Over the next few months, we will be absorbing and reflecting on staff responses to the survey; working with Senior Staff to review and understand feedback specific to their division; and meeting with President Jenkins as he shares his strategic priorities based on the survey results. While we will be looking deeply into the data, confidentiality remains at the core of this work.

On behalf of all Employee Engagement Working Group, thank you again for helping us Better Bates Together. We look forward to working with many of you as we move into a new phase of this initiative. Much more to come!