Engagement Update– A New Call to Action!

Dear Campus Colleagues,

As President Jenkins shared earlier this month, it’s been a busy summer. Here’s a quick recap:

Over the last several weeks, members of senior leadership have been reviewing their divisional engagement survey results with team leaders and are now developing action plans based on that survey feedback. These key goals and initiatives will be presented to respective team members over the course of the fall and many of you will be invited by your leaders to join in that division-level work. There are also broader areas of opportunity to address:

Institutional Focus Areas– Campus Call to Action!

We are currently seeking nominations of interested individuals to participate in one of three important working groups.While the structure of each working group may differ slightly, we anticipate members will meet bi-weekly for three to four months to achieve their specific objectives or make recommendations to Human Resources:  

  • Supervisor development: Charged with creating a baseline professional development program for supervisors and managers
  • Career advancement: Charged with identifying and understanding our current state, enhancing development opportunities and clarifying steps for career advancement
  • Staff/faculty relationship: Charged with exploring and finding ways to minimize the barriers between faculty and staff and improve the relationship

In addition, there is an exciting opportunity to join a recently-revived wellness initiative! The survey feedback about our B Well program was extremely positive, and we are hoping to gain even more traction this coming year.

  • Well Being Committee: Dedicated to fostering a supportive and healthy work environment that enhances the physical, mental, and emotional well being of all employees. Charged with developing and advancing B Well programs and initiatives that promote balance, engagement, and overall well being across Bates. This committee will meet monthly at first and then shift to a bi-monthly or quarterly cadence.

Using the link to the Nomination Form we encourage you to nominate someone you feel will bring expertise and commitment to any of the four groups listed. If you are excited about the opportunity to engage in what we believe will be a rewarding community effort, please also consider self-nomination!

Nominations are open from now until Friday, October 4th. Notifications to selected participants will be made by Monday, October 14th. A reminder will go out next week and this information will be in our HR newsletter coming to you shortly!

Thank you for your continued engagement in building a Better Bates Together. When we work together, we achieve great things.


Patricia Rooney, SHRM-CP; PHR
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources