Bates campus climate survey

Dear Staff Colleagues,

I write to follow up on my message of February 6 and invite you to complete the Bates campus climate survey. You may find the survey here at

It should take about 20 minutes to complete the survey, and I encourage you to answer all questions as frankly and thoroughly as possible. Your responses will give us important insight on how you view the current working environment at Bates and how we can make improvements to enhance engagement and well-being.

Be assured that all of your answers will remain confidential and the results will be reported in group form only. You will not be identifiable as an individual. While your participation in the project is voluntary, I hope you will take the time to help us improve and transform Bates in a
positive direction.

This research has been reviewed and approved by the Bates College Institutional Review Board. Additional information about the project is available

Please complete the survey by Friday, March 29.

Thank you very much, in advance, for your participation in this project.

All my best,

Garry W. Jenkins
President, Bates College