Nominate a Student to work for SASC

Nomination Form

Know someone who you think would make a good peer mentor? Use this form to nominate Bates students for positions within the Student Academic Support Center. We invite nominations from all members of the Bates community (faculty, students, and staff). Self-nominations are encouraged & invited. When we begin our next round of hiring, we will reach out to all nominees with information about the application process.

  • What sort of academic support do you think this student would be qualified to provide (e.g., Organic Chem CAT, Math Tutor, Math CAT, DCS Tutor, DCS CAT, Biology Drop-in Tutor, Stats CAT, etc.)? If you are nominating a student to support your course, please include the course number (e.g., Bio 202).
  • If you’d like to tell us more, please briefly (100 words or less) let us know why you think this student would provide strong academic support for their peers. Feel free to leave this field blank, as well.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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