Faculty Office Hours in SASC

We invite faculty to hold office hours in SASC. Please complete form below or email sasc@bates.edu

Holding office hours at the Student Academic Support Center is an excellent way to build engagement with SASC programming, to see more students during your office hours, and to create a bridge from your course to academic support. Use the form linked below to let us know what days and times you would like to hold your office hours in SASC.

  • Please indicate your name here:
  • What class or classes will the office hours be supporting?
  • What day(s) and time(s) would you like to hold office hours SASC? Please note that, due to our shared space and increased student attendance during the evenings, we ask that all faculty office hours conclude by 6PM.
  • What are your anticipated needs for the space: small vs. large table, significant board space vs. mobile board, etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Information collected through this form is covered by our website Privacy Policy.