Peer Mentor Hours and Attendance Policies
Garnet Gateway time sheets
The college has a firm cap of 20 hours per week, total, across all student jobs held on campus.
If you have more than one peer educator position within SASC, there are two pieces of information you need to know.
- First, you should have a separate time sheet for each position. Again, if this is not in place, please let your supervisor know and we’ll sort it out.
- Second, you will need to accurately log your hours for each position on each time sheet. If you’re unsure how to balance this out, reach out. We are happy to walk you through it.
Submission deadline for your Garnet Gateway time sheet is 2:59PM on Sunday, the day after the pay period end date. Please refer to the Student Employment page for details.
If you miss the deadline, you may have to fill out a paper or Adobe Sign time sheet.
If you fail to submit you time sheet by the deadline 3 times in a single semester, the Student Employment Office reserves the right to terminate your employment without consulting the SASC professional staff. Please don’t let it get to this point.
Please remember: your Garnet Gateway time sheet is a legal document. Only put down information that is an accurate reflection of the time you have actually worked. If you’re unsure about when/how to enter time, please reach out to your supervisor, or in a pinch, use the button to submit a comment with your time sheet letting us know why the hours are as they are.
What does (and doesn’t) count as time worked?
Does count:
- All scheduled time in SASC
- Required SASC trainings and workshops
- Work on reflections, philosophies and projects (if you need time beyond your otherwise scheduled time for this, check in with SASC professional staff first)
- Office hours/appointments that you hold (for CATs)
- Classroom visits that are a required part of your job
- Preparatory readings for courses you support (for CATs)
- Preparatory work for infusing course-specific learning strategies in CAT sessions
- Preparatory readings for training sessions, BUT we ask that you try to complete those readings during downtime in the drop-in center or CAT session
- SASC will pay for up to 30 minutes per week of prep time (this option is most often used for employees in their first semester of work)
Doesn’t count:
- Time spent in a class you’re supporting for your own interest/curiosity (not required time)
Attendance & Punctuality
Baseline Expectations
Please show up when you’re committed to be somewhere for SASC.
The baseline expectation is that SASC Student Employees will attend all scheduled events (shifts, trainings and meetings).
We will do two specific things in order to make this a reasonable expectation:
- Trainings and meetings will be announced well ahead of time
- Your schedule is made around your classes and other campus commitments.
What if I have a conflict – can an absence be excused?
If you cannot attend a SASC event due to another campus commitment (such as off-campus academic or professional obligations), the absence may be excused, if you let us know in a timely manner, and are proactive in covering the absence.
Letting us know in a timely manner
Except in the case of an emergency, when a conflict arises, we ask that you let a member of the SASC professional staff know no later than 48 hours prior to the event.
Proactively covering the absence
If you need to miss a scheduled shift or CAT session
- Notify your supervisor in advance
- Find a substitute. The sub must be able to support the same course(s) that you would be supporting for the given shift.
If you need to miss a training session or meeting, please notify your supervisor. They will discuss options for a makeup session or activity to address your absence.