Student Support Advising

Student Support Advisors

At Bates, we value relationships. These relationships allow students to learn, grow, and develop. The Student Support Advisor program is designed to help support the success of all of our students by ensuring they know whom to go to when they need guidance, assistance, or just someone to talk to.

Student Support Advisors provide personal support and supplemental academic advising to a cohort of students. Students are assigned a Student Support Advisor prior to their matriculation and remain with their advisor for the duration of their enrollment at Bates.

Student Support Advisors work proactively to develop connections with their students, especially during their first year at the college. Advisors respond to student concerns as they arise and are the primary point of contact for personal or social concerns. While First-Year Seminar (FYS) instructors and major advisors provide the primary academic advising for students, Student Support Advisors are an additional point of contact and support for students who have concerns or questions about their academic requirements or who may be struggling academically.

One of the key roles of the Student Support Advisor is to be a connection point for faculty and staff on campus. This is particularly important when a student may be struggling. For example, if a student is having difficulties in one of their classes, the Student Support Advisor may bring the student’s academic advisor and coach (if applicable) into the conversation in order to provide support from all angles. Student Support Advisors also work to connect their students to co-curricular and leadership opportunities on campus.

Occasionally, students may wish to switch from the Student Support Advisor originally assigned to them to a different advisor. Please click here to learn more about this process.

Additional Resources

In addition to Student Support Advisors, Bates College has a multitude of resources available to support students through their academic careers. Our academic support supplements that of the faculty advising system and other academic supports on campus including the Student Academic Support Center and the Student Writing & Language Center.

In addition to one on one advising and support, Student Affairs also coordinates the following:

The Assistant Dean of Students for Accessible Education and Student Support coordinates the Student Support Advising programs within Student Affairs.