Requesting to Change Your Student Support Advisor

Students who develop a strong connection with a Student Support Advisor other than their own over the course of their time at Bates may request to be transferred to that advisor. For students interested in changing their Student Support Advisor, they may request to do so to the Assistant Dean of Students for Accessible Education and Student Support. An email must be sent to the Assistant Dean describing the reason for the requested change. Following receipt of this petition, the Assistant Dean will make a determination as to whether the request will be approved.

Factors to be considered by the Assistant Dean include:

  • Whether there is a stronger connection between the student and the requested advisor than with the original advisor
  • The unique strengths and needs of the student and the challenges the student may be facing
  • The strengths of the original and requested Student Support Advisors
  • The overall distribution of students in the Student Support Advisor model and the workloads of the particular advisors to be impacted