All-Gender Restrooms

An all-gender restroom, or gender neutral restroom, is a restroom that anyone of any gender or non-gender can use. These restrooms can benefit many different people including families, differently abled persons, and transgender people. Historically, restrooms have been a place for harassment, discrimination, and threats of injury and arrest towards transgender people. All-gender restrooms provide an opportunity for our community members to enter a room without being questioned or interrogated. Remember to announce where all-gender restrooms are during events.

Campus buildings with all-gender restrooms

Currently, all of Bates all-gender restrooms are single stall, locking restrooms. Signage for these restrooms do not always indicate that they are single stall, or all-gender restrooms. In addition, not all all-gender restrooms are accessible. Please note that residence halls and houses are currently only accessible to current Bates students.

See below for a current and continuously updated list of all-gender restrooms on campus.

Adams Hall, 170 North Bardwell St

  • 2nd floor, multi-user bathroom
  • 4th floor, multi-user bathroom

Bonney Science Center, 45 Campus Ave

  • 1st floor, one single user bathroom 
  • 2nd floor, five single user bathrooms
  • 3rd floor, five single user bathrooms

Carnegie Hall, 44 Campus Ave

  • 1st floor, four single user bathrooms (2 near lobby)
  • 2nd floor, two single user bathrooms
  • 3rd floor, two single user bathrooms
  • 4th floor, two single user bathrooms
  • 5th floor, two single user bathrooms

Chase Hall, 56 Campus Ave

  • Two on Ground floor, across from Campus Life
  • two in First Floor, across from Chase Lounge

Commons, 136 Central Ave

2nd floor, one single user

Chu Hall, 55 Campus Ave

  • 1st Floor, two single users near study room
  • 2nd Floor, two single users near living room
  • 3rd Floor, two single users near living room
  • 4th Floor, two single users near study room

Gillespie Hall, 280 College St

  • 1st floor, two single user bathrooms near kitchen
  • 2nd floor, one single user bathroom by elevator

Peter J. Gomes Chapel, 275 College Street

Ground Floor, 2 Single User Restrooms

Frye Street Union, 29 Frye Street

  • Basement, 1 single user by stairs
  • 2nd Floor, 2 single user
  • 3rd Floor, 1 single user

Hathorn Hall, 3 Andrews Rd

Ground Floor, 2 Single User 

Harward Center and Multifaith Chaplaincy, 161 and 163 Wood Street Wood Street

  • First Floor, 2 Single User (one on each side of building near stairs)                                                   
  • Second Floor 3 Single User (two on Multifaith Side, one on Harward Center Side)                          
  • Third Floor, 2 Single User (on Harward Center side)

JB Hall, 78 Campus Ave

  • 2nd floor, one single user bathroom, by elevator
  • 3rd floor, one single user bathroom, by elevator
  • 4th floor, one single user bathroom, by elevator

Kalperis Hall, 65 Campus Ave

  • Basement, 1 single user
  • 1st Floor, 2 single users near lobby
  • 2nd Floor. 3 single users (2 near elevator and 1 near study room)
  • 3rd Floor, 3 single users (2 near elevator and 1 near study room)
  • 4th Floor, 2 single users (1 near elevator and 1 near study room)

Lane Hall, 2 Andrews Rd

  • Ground Floor, 2 Single User                                       
  • First Floor,  3 single User                                          
  •  Second Floor,  2 Single User                                    
  • Third Floor,  2 Single User

Ladd Library, 48 Campus Ave

  • Ground Floor, 1 Single User                                       
  • First Floor, 2 Single User                                           
  • Second Floor, 1 Single User                                     
  • Third Floor, 2 Single User

Page Hall, 345 College St

  • 1st floor, two single user bathrooms
  • 2nd floor, multi-user bathroom
  • 4th floor, multi-user bathroom

Parker Hall, 1 Andrews Rd

  • 1st floor, two single user bathrooms, by laundry
  • 2nd floor, multi-user bathroom
  • 4th floor, multi-user bathroom

Pettigrew Hall, 305 College Street

  • First Floor, 2 single users
  • Third Floor. 1 Single User

Roger Williams, 9 Andrews Rd

  • 2nd floor, two bathrooms
  • Third Floor,  two bathrooms

Please note this list continues to be updated. If you have questions or bathrooms to add to the list, please contact