Policies for Off-Campus Living

While most students live on-campus for all four years, Bates does permit a number of senior students to live off-campus each year. This page is designed to outline community standards, resources, and conduct questions for students that have been given permission to live off-campus. Please see the off-campus living page of the Residence Life website for more specifics on eligibility, logistics, and application.

Mandatory Designation of an Off-Campus Liaison for Each Address

Each off-campus address must submit the name of a student on the lease of an off-campus house to be the liaison to the Office of Residence Life.  Failure to do so will result in consequences for all house occupants up to and including the revoking of the off-campus living rebate issued by Bates College, referral to the Office of Community Standards, or the revoking of a student’s eligibility to live off-campus.

Mandatory Education Requirement for All Off-Campus Students

All off-campus students must participate in educational programs organized by Student Affairs.  This includes, but is not limited to mandatory meetings, educational conversations with Student Affairs staff, and participation in the Off-Campus Resident Readiness Module. Failure to do so could result in the revoking of the off-campus living rebate issued by Bates College, referral to the Office of Community Standards, or the revoking a student’s eligibility to live off-campus.

Bates College Off-Campus House Community Standards Policy

All students are obligated to function as responsible members of the community, which includes adhering to an important set of community standards as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and the Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Anti-Harassment Policy. In particular, while in community with our Lewiston neighbors on surrounding campus streets, it is important to make decisions that reflect our collective interest in being responsible and respectful members of the community.  Potential violations of either the Code of Student Conduct, public health policies, or the Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Anti-Harassment Policy that occur off-campus will be resolved using the same established processes as on-campus violations. 

The college reserves the right to investigate and hold individuals accountable for alleged misconduct and potential violations of the college’s community standards even when the behavior occurs off-campus. The college may do so in instances where the off-campus misconduct: 

  1. occurs in connection with a college-sponsored event or when students are acting as representatives of the college, or 
  2. directly affects another member of the Bates community, or 
  3. poses a potential danger or threat to others. 

In addition, every student living off-campus is responsible for adhering to all state and local laws and ordinances, including the City of Lewiston Code of Ordinances. Considering issues involving noise and parties at student off-campus residences, we would like to call particular attention to Chapter 50, Sections 13-18.  

When a student at an off-campus residence is cited for an unlawful noise or a nuisance party violation by the Lewiston Police Department, Bates will respond with the following Community Standards process for all tenants on the lease:

  • 1st Violation – Referral to the Office of Community Standards and a meeting with a college judicial officer involving all tenants on the lease that will likely result in a formal documented notice in the student file for all members of the house;
  • 2nd Violation – Referral to the Office of Community Standards and a meeting with a college judicial officer involving all tenants on the lease that will likely result in all or some members of the house being placed on probation;
  • 3rd Violation – Referral to the Office of Community Standards and/or the Student Conduct Committee for all students on the lease. The likely outcome for all or some members of the house will be up to and including suspension.

Sanctions will consider the severity of the violation. Egregious violations of these policies can result in foregoing a warning and moving directly to probation or a referral to the Student Conduct Committee where suspension or expulsion could be an outcome. 

Students should be aware that addressing a violation via the college’s Code of Student Conduct or other college policy does not exempt the individual from prosecution by proper authorities under criminal or civil code, and criminal or civil prosecution does not exempt the individual from being held accountable under the college’s Code of Student Conduct or other policy.

Responding to Off-Campus Requests

Will Campus Safety be present off-campus, driving on local streets?

Students will see the Campus Safety team present on local streets adjacent to campus where a concentration of off-campus Bates students live. Campus Safety staff will work with and encourage students to be respectful of our neighbors surrounding the college.  

Campus Safety will co-respond to off-campus houses only when requested by the Lewiston Police Department (LPD). Off-campus students must recognize that Campus Safety is not always notified by the Lewiston Police Department for unlawful noise or nuisance parties. 

When Campus Safety co-responds with LPD, the Lewiston Police Department will always be the lead agency on scene. In most cases, Campus Safety will remain outside the residence to assist, as necessary.

Bates Campus Safety personnel are not sworn law enforcement agents and therefore must not act as such. 

Does Campus Safety respond to assistance requests from students or neighbors?

When a call for assistance at an off-campus location is requested through Bates Dispatch, the Dispatcher will take the appropriate information and offer to contact the Lewiston Police Department and have LPD officers respond accordingly. 

What does Campus Safety do when present in surrounding neighborhood locations?

Campus Safety personnel responsibilities while present in surrounding neighborhoods are to observe and report. When observing a reportable event, Campus Safety personnel will request Dispatch to contact the Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) and report the event to the 911 Communications Center. 

What is Campus Safety’s role when they respond with an LEA such as LPD?

When Campus Safety personnel are asked to assist a LEA off-campus, they must allow the responding LEA to make initial contact with the parties involved. This affords the responding law enforcement officers the opportunity to observe/assess the scene first-hand.

The role of Campus Safety personnel who respond to disturbances off-campus or neighborhood complaints are limited in scope. In most cases, Campus Safety personnel are limited to the following activities:

  • Aiding the LEA in verifying the identity of the individual(s) and attesting to their status as student(s) of the college.
  • If the individuals are indeed students of the college, informing the occupant of the residence of any possible violations of the College Code of Student Conduct.
  • Responding Campus Safety personnel should also gather enough information to prepare a written report; which at a minimum will include the name(s) of the student(s) and other pertinent information shared with the Campus Safety personnel by the responding LEA.  The report should include any information regarding possible violations of Bates College Code of Student Conduct.

Will Campus Safety enter off-campus housing?

At no time shall Campus Safety personnel engage in an investigation that leads to them entering an off-campus apartment unless they are invited in by the LEA (who shall have sufficient cause, a warrant, or an invitation from the renter) or by the renter(s) of the apartment.

Mandatory Written Reports

Whenever Campus Safety personnel are dispatched to an off-campus location, a written report must be prepared and provided. Campus Safety personnel are expected to complete such reports prior to the end of their shift.

Will Campus Safety respond to wellness checks or contact requests?

Campus Safety will respond to requests for wellness checks or contact requests only after receiving approval from the Student Affairs Administrator On Call or a representative from Student Affairs.

Will Campus Safety respond to requests for medical assistance?

Campus Safety will dispatch United Ambulance Service to the off-campus location provided by the caller.  Bates Campus Safety will also inform student callers that Bates EMS is not able to respond, nor will Campus Safety respond.  Bates Campus Safety will only respond at the request of United Ambulance Service or any LEA.

Will Residence Life Coordinators respond to off-campus houses?

 Residence Life Coordinators are based on campus and are not able to respond to off campus addresses. Off-campus students wishing to connect with a residence life coordinator can do so via phone or by coming to campus. Please call Campus Safety Dispatch (207) 786- 6245 and ask for a Residence Life Coordinator.


Your rebate will show as a credit on your bill each semester. If you have specific questions about the rebate, please contact Student Financial Services