SA: BSN Copy Editor Fellow (S99976)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

Copy Editor is a Bates Student Newspaper Fellow that serves as members of the managerial team for the Bates Student Newspaper. Fellows aim to provide a space for topics of interest to Bates students and the Bates community to be investigated and shared. Fellows work to provide an open, equitable, and accessible opportunity for all community members to engage with. The Bates Student Newspaper Fellows recognize that this position is an educational opportunity in which students grow personally and professionally.

Leadership Development
Campus Life embeds the Bates Leads Framework into its student leadership and employment positions. The following competencies are most relevant to this position:

Consciousness of Self & Impact: Awareness of one’s beliefs, values, attitudes, and emotions; recognition that these are shaped by cultural context and other external forces. Self-awareness, including one’s inherited and positional power and privilege. Awareness of one’s impact on individuals and community, recognizing the impact of each action and inaction
● Bates Student Newspaper Fellows will be most successful if they are able to know their own strengths and apply that knowledge to their work with other members of the Bates Student Newspaper staff, students, and the community. This includes considering the impact of one’s words and actions on others and communities; working to report and publish stories free from impropriety; and being a kind community member.

Commitment: The passion, energy, creativity, and follow-through one brings to ideas, pursuits, and collective goals.
● This position involves a high level of responsibility, and requires individuals to hold themselves and others accountable by meeting deadlines, attending meetings and professional development opportunities, and working to produce the best work possible.

Collaboration: Working reciprocally with others. Working across differences to achieve a shared goal. Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.
● This position requires working with Bates Student Newspaper colleagues, various Bates students, faculty and staff, and the community more broadly.

Common Purpose: Cultivating a shared goal, direction, and sense of responsibility.
Listening, learning, and acting together toward a shared goal.
● This position requires an ability to build consensus and share the work equitably. While members of the Bates Student Newspaper may have different roles and responsibilities, collectively, each fellow is working toward a common purpose: to effectively share information and news with the campus community, covering issues carefully and thoughtfully to provide independent and responsible journalism.

Congruence: Alignment of values, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions with actions in the world.
● Bates Student Newspaper Fellows act and communicate with consistency, honesty, and transparency. Integrate individual and collective values. Fellows are listening to other peoples “why” and are willing to challenge their one “why.”

Controversy: Acknowledging conflict, controversy, and dissent as opportunities for new insight, or new direction or deeper relationships. Disagreeing with others in a spirit of curiosity and learning. Disagreeing or dissenting from the norm without dehumanizing others.
● At times, Bates Student Newspaper fellows and members may disagree with each other, with the Bates community, and the community more broadly. It is crucial in these moments to communicate honestly, openly, respectfully, and to work to resolve conflict through collaboration and sometimes compromise.
● Fellows will work to develop the ability to use difference as a point of strength, creative intervention, growth, and direction.
● Fellows will learn to welcome dissenting perspectives and different points of view.

Civic Agency: Embracing one’s capacity and responsibility to work with others to advance communal goals. Actively supporting people’s full participation in the decisions, systems, and processes that impact their lives and communities. Recognizing the impact of one’s choices on others.
● Bates Student Newspaper Fellows are exploring and exposing injustices, challenges, and various perspectives. Fellows are open to having their position or perspective challenged and are open to feedback on their impact.

The Basics

Department:Bates Student Newspaper
Supervisor: Kim Trauceniek
Office Location: Campus Life
Pay Grade:
Hours: 2
Workers: 3

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


● Attend Sunday editorial meetings, training, and development opportunities. If you must miss a meeting, please contact the Editor in Chief. ● Produce timely content needed in role for the success of the newspaper ● Participate in professional development opportunities ● Be open to feedback from Bates Student Staff and campus partners, and community members ● Have a positive attitude and know when to ask for help! ● Edit all stories for proper AP Style formatting and grammar ● Communicate effectively with section editors to provide changes to writers ● Provide edits and check sources for all stories within 48 hour period before sending them to copy editors by Monday at 5:00 p.m, Exceptions can be made with thorough communication to Editor in Chief). Be mindful to provide space for a variety of perspectives and experiences.


● Timely communication (ability to respond to emails within 24-48 hours unless special circumstance arises). ● Should be honest, flexible, responsible, dedicated and level-headed. ● Passion in cultivating an equitable and inclusive environment. ● Ability to work with diverse populations. ● Creativity and passion for pitching interesting and news-worthy stories for the greater Bates population


Kim Trauceniek, in the Office of Campus Life, serves as the professional staff supervisor and advisor to the Bate Student Newspaper and Bates Student Fellows. Bates Student Newspaper Fellows are directly supervised by the Editor in Chief and Managing Executive Editor. The Editor in Chief and Managing Executive Editors are directly supervised by Kim Trauceniek in the Office of Campus Life. Campus Life staff provide support and guidance to all members of the Bates Student Newspaper. As a student organization, the Bates Student is held to the mission of Campus Life and the Bates Student Code. Campus Life staff provide support and guidance to all members of the Bates Student Newspaper. Personnel matters that are related to the operation of The Bates Student newspaper or may impact your employment status or that of another Bates Student Newspaper Fellow, should be brought to the attention of Kim Trauceniek, or another professional staff member in the Office of Campus Life at once.

Working Conditions

Fellows are expected to write and edit stories in a digital format. A newsroom is accessible for fellows to work in. Fellows should note that hours can vary significantly week to week due to the nature of student newspapers, 2-6 hours a week is an average.