SA: BCSG Funding and Activities Board Chair (S99831)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

This is a position shared between the Bates College Student Government (BCSG) Funding & Activities Board (FAB) and Campus Life. The FAB Chair works closely with Campus Life staff on implementing the logistical and financial elements of the BCSG-recognized club system. Generally, FAB reviews club funding applications and renders decisions for all BCSG-recognized club accounts, and reviews and renders decisions on new club applications.
FAB also assists with the process of club and organization event planning from start to finish. When a club/org proposes an event or program, Funding and Activities Advisors (FAAs) meet with the club/org to coordinate the event under the supervision of Campus Life staff.

The FAB Chair is tasked with leading the rest of FAB in these efforts.

Leadership Development
Campus Life embeds the Bates Leads Framework into its student leadership and employment positions. The following competencies are most relevant to this position:

Consciousness of Self & Impact: Awareness of one’s beliefs, values, attitudes, and emotions; recognition that these are shaped by cultural context and other external forces. Self-awareness, including one’s inherited and positional power and privilege. Awareness of one’s impact on individuals and community, recognizing the impact of each action and inaction
The FAB Chair will be most successful if they are able to know their own strengths, as well as the strengths of the FAAs and club/org leaders they work with.

Commitment: The passion, energy, creativity, and follow-through one brings to ideas, pursuits, and collective goals.
This position involves a high level of responsibility, and requires creative thinking. Campus Life professional staff are here to guide and support the FAB Chair, but it is ultimately up to the chair to manage their day-to-day workload.

Collaboration: Working reciprocally with others. Working across differences to achieve a shared goal. Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.
This position requires working with a diverse group of FAAs, as well as a variety of campus partners including Dining, Grounds, Campus Life, Production, and club/org leaders.

The Basics

Department:Bates College Student Government
Supervisor: Nick Dressler
Office Location:
Pay Grade:
Hours: 4
Workers: 1

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


The FAB Chair is responsible for: Attending weekly meetings with FAB’s Campus Life advisor(s). Attending and leading weekly FAB finance meetings, typically 60 minutes in length. Creating an agenda for these meetings and sending it to FAAs at least 48 hours in advance. Attending and co-leading weekly FAB event coordination meetings, typically 60 minutes in length. Maintaining an advising cohort of large scale clubs/orgs. Establishing a friendly, cordial, and supportive relationship with the leadership of the clubs they are responsible for. Being the primary reviewer for funding applications submitted by their clubs. This entails meticulously reading an application, comparing it to FAB’s club funding rules, and submitting a report to the other FAAs outlining the considerations at play with regard to the application, with a recommendation as to whether to approve funding. Serving as a resource to their clubs, providing advice on managing club finances, funding decisions, and event coordination. As necessary, meeting with student club/org event planners to identify and assist with logistical needs associated with planning an event/program, including but not limited to: Space reservations, including submitting reservations on behalf of the club via the Event Management System (EMS) and/or Bates Engage. Event budget planning. Coordinating with outside vendors and performers. Navigating campus resources and networking with other offices and departments, e.g. Campus Safety, Facility Services, Dining, etc. As assigned, reviewing new club applications. This entails meticulously reading an application, comparing it to FAB’s criteria for new clubs, and then submitting a report to the rest of FAB outlining the considerations at play with regard to the application, with a recommendation as to whether to approve the new club. Reviewing recommendations on decisions submitted by FAAs. Engaging in discussion and debate about decisions. Coordinating club leader attendance of FAB meetings, as necessary. Communicating decisions with relevant club leaders. Twice per semester at the invitation of the BCSG Assembly, presenting on the health of the club funding system to BCSG.


Needs to have served at least one academic year of employment as an FAA. Familiarity with BCSG-recognized clubs, the club funding system, and/or campus event planning and coordination. Must be able to respond to communications in a timely manner (no more than 24 hours except under special circumstances). Should be honest, flexible, responsible, dedicated, and level-headed. Willingness to learn and make changes based on recommendations of other members and/or Campus Life staff. Passion in cultivating an equitable and inclusive environment for clubs and club leaders. Ability to work with diverse populations.


The FAB Chair reports directly to the Assistant Dean of Students for Campus Life, and supervises Funding & Activities Advisors.

Working Conditions

All work done sitting. Personal device that can access the internet required.