MUS: Choral Scholar (S99773)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

The Music Department is thrilled to institute the Choral Scholars Program. A choral scholar should be a Bates student in good academic standing with excellent aural skills, musicianship, and sight-reading ability, serving in one of the major choral voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass). Choral scholars will sing in the College Choir (either for credit or as an audit), which include rehearsals every Monday and Thursday, 4:15–5:45pm in Olin. Choral scholars must also be able to perform in the final Fall concert on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 7:30pm in Olin. An audition with Professor Kuriyama is required. Please email Professor Kuriyama at for questions and/or to schedule an audition!

The Basics

Supervisor: Zen Kuriyama
Office Location: Olin 258
Hours: 2
Workers: 4

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


--Choral scholars will sing in the College Choir (either for credit or as an audit), which include rehearsals every Monday and Thursday, 4:15--5:45pm in Olin. --Choral scholars must also be able to perform in the final Fall concert on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 7:30pm in Olin.


--Excellent musicianship --Excellent aural skills --Excellent sight-reading ability --Excellent attitude --Kind and professional


Reports to Zen Kuriyama, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of the College Choir

Working Conditions