International Students

If you are studying at Bates on an F-1 Visa, you are only eligible to work for Bates College in an on-campus position.

International students can apply for on-campus jobs via Handshake as soon as they receive Handshake access. This access is given the summer before their freshman year in August and does not have to be renewed.

Students in valid F-1 status are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year while classes are in session. Students may work full-time (21-40 hours per week) during breaks of one week or longer, and summer vacation, across all jobs, including approved Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Exceeding these restrictions would require you to be paid overtime, which comes from the department you’re working for. The department will likely not want to pay the extra time, so it is important to check in with your supervisors before working these hours.

All international students must have a U.S. social security card to work on campus. You do not have to wait until you have your social security card to apply for jobs. Once you have been offered a position and a hiring form has been submitted by your supervisor, the Student Employment Office will contact you regarding employment forms and International Tax Status Analysis. International students will then work with the Dean of International Students to finalize receiving their social security card with the Social Security Office. Additionally, the Bates Work Authorization process will include a Social Security Card application as part of the initial set of forms sent via Adobe Sign for international students who do not have a Social Security number.

For questions about internships, please contact Shelley Palmer, the SEVIS Designated School Official, at or call 207-786-6223. The Office of Global Education is located in Roger Williams Hall room 124.