Student Writing and Language Center Archives
October 19, 2023
Student-Faculty Partnerships: Professor Heidi Taylor (Sociology) and Sophia Rintell (‘19)
Each spring, we carefully partner more than thirty Bates faculty members with course-attached peer educators, or PWSAs (Peer Writing &…
October 19, 2023
Respect, Reciprocity, and Responsibility in the PWSA-FYS Instructor Partnership
Professors Martin Montgomery, Justine Wiesinger, and William (Bill) Wallace share their experiences and reflect on partnering with their course-attached peer…
October 18, 2023
Writing@Bates Statement of Commitment to Antiracist & Inclusive Writing Instruction
Black lives matter. Black language matters. Black writing matters. As white writing program administrators, we, the professional staff of Writing@Bates,…
October 17, 2023
Towards a Writing Tutor Course that Centers Language Justice and Antiracism
These days, when someone starts to suggest that “soon” or “one day” things will “go back to normal,” they inevitably…
October 17, 2023
Ethical, Effective, Evidence-Based Feedback
Offering feedback to writers is a significant part of the work of college faculty. This presentation reviews recent research about…