News from the EcoReps
Managing sustainability for the campus is a big job. While there are plenty of long term goals, like carbon neutrality and behavioral shifts, there are plenty of day to day changes the EcoReps are involved in. In 2016, for example, students took up the mission of eliminating paper cups from Commons, and instead the College now provides every incoming student with a reusable mug. There are always new ways to shift our existing systems and avoid waste. Scroll to read about past and ongoing sustainability projects on campus.
- Bates is Carbon Neutral!
After nearly 20 years of hard work on campus, Bates College is now carbon neutral! By using renewable fuel oil (RFO) for heating, sustainably sourced electricity, raising campus awareness, behavioral shifts, and lots of small individual efforts, we have reduced our carbon footprint by 11,600 metric tons of CO2. Here’s to a green future for Bates!
- News from the EcoReps
Managing sustainability for the campus is a big job. While there are plenty of long term goals, like carbon neutrality and behavioral shifts, there are plenty of day to day changes the EcoReps are involved in. In 2016, for example, students took up the mission of eliminating paper cups from Commons, and instead the College now provides every incoming student with a reusable mug. There are always new ways to shift our existing systems and avoid waste. Scroll to read about past and ongoing sustainability projects on campus.
- 2018 Garden Party
The 2018 Garden Party served as the opening event for the Plot. Fresh tomatoes, homemade cookies, and other appetizers were served, and Bates’ own Take Note a cappella group performed.
- The Bates Garden
The Garden group hosted weekly meetings and open hours this year, opening up the Plot to the community for people interested in gardening, farming, and food systems.
Plot leaders Katherine Gaillard ’19 and Isa Moise ’19 in the Carnegie greenhouse at a weekly Wednesday afternoon meeting. Having just finished planting onion seeds, they organized Garden Club members on a daily watering schedule to ensure the plants would be ready to transplant later this spring. - Green Bikes
This year, the Green Bike team has been busy keeping the collection of bikes online. They also have hosted open hours at the bike barn for the community.