Energy projects (FY2013)
In FY2013, the Energy Task Force implemented the following efficiency and conservation projects:
Boilers for Dana, Carnegie and New Commons: The swing season (fall and spring) can be cool in Maine. Fume hoods in Dana, Carnegie and New Commons have kept these buildings especially cold during these times, because they displace air at a high rate, essentially making the indoor air equivalent to the outdoor air temperature. Traditionally Facility Services has started up the main steam plant in mid-fall to curb the chill and kept it running through May. With the installation of individual boilers in these buildings they can now be heated during the swing season without having to turn on the entire main steam plant as early or keep it on as late in the spring.
Smith Stair Tower Lights: The stairwells in Smith are lit for safety purposes, but during the night are often not used. The taskforce installed dimmers so that lights will remain on for safety, but if they do not pick up any activity they dim themselves to 20% brightness. This dimming makes the light last longer and saves energy.