The Department of Theater and Dance offers multiple options for the culminating experience for Theater majors. Please see the Academic Requirements as listed in the catalog for more details: Theater Academic Program.
Below is a guide to choosing capstone or thesis options for Theater Makers and Theater Studies/Dramaturgy students with the specific requirements and expectations related to each.
Thesis Options:
- A portfolio/website focused on a culminating creative project (Theater Makers)
- A written thesis focused on a culminating creative project (Theater Makers)
- A written thesis focused on a scholarly interest in the field of theater focus (Theater Studies/Dramaturgy
- Double Majors Only who are completing their W3 requirements elsewhere: a website portfolio focusing on your four year experience as a theater major (Theater Makers)
- No credit thesis (Theater Makers)
- Honors Thesis (Theater Makers & Theater Studies/Dramaturgy)
Theater Makers Thesis-Creative Project & Portfolio
Theater Makers Thesis-Creative Project & Website/Portfolio

Sukanya Shukla ‘20 Acting Thesis/Capstone – Nina in Stupid F#@king Bird.
Photo Credit: Phyllis Graber-Jensen
This practitioner-focused option allows students to work on a thesis in acting, directing, playwriting or design and complete a specific project designated by the department. It is by invitation of the departmental faculty only and involves one or two semesters of original research culminating in a creative project and accompanying website/portfolio focused on the artistic process.
For acting, the student will portray a designated role in a specific production. For directing, a student will direct a specific play. For playwriting, the student will write an original play and have a staged reading. For design, the student will accomplish the design for an appropriate project as discussed by the student and their advisor.
Supporting this creative project, this thesis experience includes a substantive website or portfolio examining the process and product of creative research. It also represents the students’ understanding of contemporary and/or historical theater practice, its theoretical and cultural context and connection to contemporary best practices. This portfolio could be the foundational work that students continue to develop as they apply to professional theater internships or Graduate Program MFA, MA, (post Bates) programs post-Bates.
Theater Makers Thesis Requirements
The requirements below are the minimum expectations which must be fulfilled to be eligible for a capstone experience in these fields.
Acting Thesis Requirements:
All of the following:
DN/TH 202. Devising Performance.
THEA 263. Voice and Speech.
THEA 361. Advanced Acting.
DN/TH 290. Performance/Production. (Performance in one production prior to thesis; half-credit course).
One and a half additional credits chosen in consultation with the major advisor.
Design Thesis Requirements:
1) Design courses. One of the following:
THEA 231. Scene Design.
THEA 232. Lighting Design.
THEA 233. Costume Design.
At least one of the following additional design courses:
THEA 231. Scene Design.
THEA 232. Lighting Design.
THEA 233. Costume Design.
THEA 235. Fashion: A Survey of Western Culture.
THEA 236. Pattern Drafting and Draping.
THEA 295. Stage Management for the Performing Arts.
Three additional design-related courses, at least one in art and visual culture, that support the design concentration in consultation with the major advisor.
Directing Thesis Requirements:
DN/TH 202. Devising Performance
THEA 250. Beginning Directing.
THEA 350. Advanced Directing.
THEA 360 B. Independent Study – Assistant Director
One additional course chosen in consultation with the major advisor.
Playwriting Thesis Requirements:
All of the following:
THEA 223. Dramaturgy: An Introduction.
THEA 240. Playwriting.
THEA 339. Advanced Playwriting.
One of the following:
DANC 151. Making Dance.
DANC 262. Embodying Activism: Performing a Living Definition.
Two half-credit courses in DN/TH 290. Performance/Production, or DANC 270. Studio Dance.
Production work: THEA 360 C. Independent Study-Production Dramaturgy
Guidelines for Thesis Assessment
Creative Project & Process: 70% (35% process/35% presentation)
A substantial theater project in acting, directing, playwriting, or design with an emphasis on the process.
Website or Portfolio: 30%
This can be done in a variety of creative formats.
Proposal & Website/Portfolio Guidelines
Proposal and portfolio specifications for the following fields can be found by clicking the link below:
Theater Studies/Dramaturgy Written Thesis
Theater Studies/Dramaturgy Written Thesis

Dana Professor of Theater, Martin Andrucki directs Brady Chilson ’23 in Love/Sick.
Photo credit Phyllis Graber Jensen
This option focused on scholarly research and writing, offers Theater Studies/Dramaturgy students the opportunity to explore topics in dramatic literature, theater history, the theoretical and social dimensions of performance, or other appropriate areas of scholarly interest. The traditional senior thesis involves one or two semesters of original research and writing, culminating in a substantial paper on a research topic of the student’s design.
Dramaturgy, History, Literature, Criticism Requirements
Course work: THEA 101, THEA 200, THEA 220, THEA 223
2 additional courses in Dramatic Literature or Theory
Production work:
THEA 360 C. Independent Study-Production Dramaturgy
Guidelines for Thesis Assessment
Written Portion: 100%
This should be 40 – 70 pages in length.
Theater Makers Thesis-Creative Project & Written Component
Theater Makers Thesis-Creative Project & Written Component
Theater Maker students who elect this option will structure their written work and scholarly research around a creative project designated by the department in acting, directing, playwriting, or design.
The project process and written portion of the thesis represents the students’ independent original research based on an understanding of contemporary and/or historical theater practice, its theoretical underpinnings, cultural context, and research methodology.
Theater Makers Thesis Requirements
The requirements below are the minimum expectations that must be fulfilled to be eligible for a thesis experience in these fields.
Acting Thesis Requirements
Course work: THEA 261, THEA 263, THEA 361
Production work: Two major roles in productions at Bates.
Design Thesis Requirements
Course work: THEA 130, THEA 231, THEA 232, THEA 233
Production work: One of the following:
THEA 360 E. Independent Study – Assistant Design in the Area of Focus
THEA 360 F. Independent Study – Design
Directing Thesis Requirements
Course work: THEA 261, THEA 350
Production work: After successfully completing THEA 350:
THEA 360 A. Independent Study – Stage Management
THEA 360 B. Independent Study – Assistant Director
THEA 360 D. Independent Study – Directing
Playwriting Thesis Requirements
Course work: ENTH 289, THEA 223, THEA 240, THEA 340
Additional work: One completed script
Production work:
THEA 360 C. Independent Study-Production Dramaturgy
Guidelines for Thesis Assessment
Creative Project & Process: 70% (35% process/35% presentation)
A substantial theatre project in acting, directing, playwriting, or design with an emphasis on both the scholarly research and the process.
Written Portion: 30%
This portion of the creative thesis project should be 35 – 60 pages in length.
Proposal & Thesis Guidelines
Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis

Hope French ‘18 Honors Thesis Acting – Harper Pitt in Angels in America
Photo Credit: Phyllis Graber-Jensen
Honors Thesis involves two semesters of original research and writing either focusing on a creative project and/or a research topic approved by your advisor. It culminates in a substantial paper on a research topic of the student’s design and also requires an oral examination by faculty members and an outside evaluator.
“The program encourages students to achieve mastery of a specific topic within the context of a major. The program gives qualified students an opportunity to conduct extensive independent study and research in their majors.” Such an effort requires that the student possess an excellent understanding of the subject area, its theoretical underpinnings, and its research methodology. The student must also be able to think critically and comprehensively about the topic, and must be able to advance a well-formulated argument.
Participation in the Bates Honors Program is by invitation of the theater faculty. The following are minimum objective criteria for such an invitation:
Overall grade-point average: 3.30 – Departmental average: 3.70
Honors in Acting
Major roles in at least two Bates productions, at least one of which must have been faculty-directed; distinguished work in THEA 261, THEA 361 & THEA 362
Honors in Directing
Distinguished work in THEA 350, THEA 360 A, THEA 360 B & THEA 360 D.
Honors in Design
Distinguished work in the relevant design courses, and design work on at least two productions at Bates, at least one of which must have been faculty-directed.
Honors in Dramaturgy, History, Literature, And Criticism
Distinguished work in the relevant courses at Bates, including a demonstrated ability to write vivid, coherent English.
Honors in Playwriting
Successful completion of at least two one-act plays, or one full-length play before senior year.
All Honors Theses
A substantial section of the written portion must address scholarly, historical, and theoretical questions.
Guidelines for Honors Thesis Assessment
The Bates College honors guidelines state that the thesis counts for 60% of the honors award, while the oral examination counts for 40%.
Thus, the written portion of the honors thesis counts for 25% of 60%—i.e. 15% overall.
Proposal and thesis specifications can be found by clicking the link below: