Well-Being at Bates Programs

Join the Well-Being at Bates team and partners from around campus to learn about all the well-being resources available to you!

Commons Fireplace Lounge

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

For more information, reach out to wellbeing@bates.edu.

Peer-based education and programming on health and well-being is carried out by the Well-Being Interns, a group of student staff members in the Office of Student Well-Being. Supported by staff on the Well-Being team, interns support peer well-being in three main ways: 1) working within their peer networks to identify well-being needs on campus; 2) programming tailored to specific needs or specific times in the academic year; 3) broad, all-campus programming weeks in each semester, like Well-Being Week and Sex Week.

Students from all class years are invited apply to be Well-Being Interns each year in the spring, on Handshake. For more information, reach out to wellbeing@bates.edu.

The Office of Student Well-Being supports the First Year Experience mission, particularly as it pertains to promoting the value of health and wellness. Healthy Bates 101 is an interactive module sent to all matriculating students and invites students to consider their plans for the four years ahead. Healthy Bates 101 also includes important information and opportunities to practice skills for staying socially and emotionally healthy.

Following Healthy Bates 101, all first-year students will be invited to take Healthy Bates 102 at the start of their winter semester. Healthy Bates 102 references individualized responses from Healthy Bates 101, allowing students to reflect on personal goals and choices. Designed by students, for students, Healthy Bates 101 & 102 are the start of an important conversation about health and wellness that we invite you to continue throughout your time at Bates.

Academic Year 2023-2024:

March: Physical Well-Being Month

Physical Challenge: Move Edition: Fueling for Finals!

  • Physical activity enhances cognitive function, prevents mental fatigue, reduces stress and supports your overall well-being
  • Try walking a lap around the puddle, taking a break from studying and stretch for 5-10 minutes, take the stairs somewhere you would normally take the elevator, walking downtown to get your favorite study snack!
  • Check out the full challenge here!

Physical Challenge: Eat Edition: Fueling for Finals!

  • Click this link to watch a TedEd video on how food affects your brain.
  • Add a significant source of carbs such as bread, rice, pasta, potatoes or quinoa at every meal to help improve memory and focus.
  • Add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna (in the Salad Bar), hemp hearts, flax/chia seeds (in the Choices Fridge) for improved memory retention.
  • Check out the full challenge here!

February: Environmental Well-Being Month

Environmental Challenge

  • Pick up a Bingo card on Monday (2/5) in the Fireplace Lounge, or scan the QR code below.
  • Print the Bingo card here!
  • Try some Environmental Well-Being Strategies and attend Winter Carnival events, and get Bingo!
  • Return your Bingo card on to healthed@bates.edu or the Res Life Office in Chase Hall Winter Semester Well-Being Raffle!

January: Academic Well-Being Month

Academic Challenge

  • Add all syllabus assignments to your calendar or planner
  • Attend Office Hours for one of your classes
  • Visit the Student Advising portal ‘by Class Year’ section
  • Create 5 goals for the semester based on the portal info

December: Spiritual Well-Being Month

Spiritual Challenge

  • On Reading Day, try the challenge in the Fireplace Lounge, and drop it off on your way out to be entered into a raffle
  • Create art in the Multifaith Chaplaincy’s Nest (free art supply room) honoring a sacred practice for you
  • Walk or have tea with a friend and talk about joy
  • Find a moment to play in the snow, play a game, or be silly with friends

November: Mental Well-Being Month

Mental Challenge

  • Pick up a Bingo card on Monday (11/27) in the Fireplace Lounge, or scan the QR code below.
  • Print the Bingo card here!
  • Try some Mental Well-Being Strategies, and get Bingo!
  • Return your Bingo card on Friday (12/1) in the Fireplace Lounge and enter the Fall Semester Well-Being Raffle!

October: Relational Well-Being Month

Relational Challenge

  • Ask someone new to have a meal together
  • Schedule a meeting with a supportive faculty/staff member
  • Spend meaningful time with a friend
  • Connect with a staff member at the OIE, Harward Center, SASC, CAPS, or Residence Life
  • Call a friend or family member from home