Well-Being Week

Welcome to Well-Being Week! Occurring each year in September, Well-Being Week is an opportunity for students to engage in programming centered around Bates’ nine Dimensions of Well-Being. We hope that you will try something new, and consider an ongoing program presented by our partners around campus that you can integrate into your proactive well-being routine! Learn more about Well-Being Week here.
Below is a comprehensive list of all events scheduled. For additional details and sign-ups, check BatesEngage or contact the program host.
Well-Being at Bates is committed to creating an environment that meets the needs of all who wish to participate. If you have a disability and anticipate a barrier to your participation in this event, please contact wellbeing@bates.edu two days in advance of the event to discuss possible accommodations.
Well-Being Week 2024 Schedule
Monday 9/23/2024
8:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Multipurpose 213) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
10:00-2:00 – Bike Registration Drive (Outside Commons) Stop by to register your bike with Campus Safety, get a free bike inspection from Rainbow Bike Shop, and enter to win a bike lock in our giveaway! Presented by Campus Safety.
11:00-2:00 – Well-Being Wagon (All over campus) Keep an eye out for some familiar faces driving around campus and handing out stickers, candy, and well-being prizes! Presented by Residence Life student staff.
12:00 – Monday Meditation (Gomes Chapel) 30 minutes of mindfulness meditation, beginning with guided settling and leads into silence. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
12:15 – Job Shadow Info Session (Commons 226) Join Purposeful Work for an overview of the Job Shadow Programs, including shadow options, application requirements, and how to make the most of this Purposeful Work exploration program that connects students with alumni and parents to learn about their professional pathways. Presented by Amy Jaffe and the Center for Purposeful Work.
Tuesday 9/24/20204
7:00 – TOP Pilates (Merrill Multipurpose 213) A low impact, full-body workout session using body weight to build long lean muscles, increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and improve posture.
11:00-2:00 – Eat, Sleep, Move: MOVE Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during lunch to chat with us about strategies to incorporate movement into your daily routine, and get information about our eliminating gym stress program!
12:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
7:00 – Field Hockey: Bates v. Bowdoin (Campus Ave Turf) Join us to cheer on the Bobcats against the Polar Bears in a Well-Being Week themed match-up and for some t-shirt giveaways!
Wednesday 9/25/2024
8:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
11:00-2:00 – Eat, Sleep, Move: EAT Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during lunch to chat with Dietician and Nutrition Educator Josh Palomera and colleagues about mindful eating and fueling your body for specific activities!
11:00-1:00 – Off-Campus Study Fair (Commons 221/222) Explore over 200 approved programs to study for a semester or year off-campus, and get all your questions about study abroad answered. Presented by Global Education.
1:30pm & 2:45pm – Busting Gymtimidation (Davis Fitness Center) Wanting to work out, but not sure where to start? Join us for a walk-through tutorial of two athletic spaces, the Davis Fitness Center (inside Underhill) and the Multipurpose Room (inside Merrill). Tutorials will include using bar weights, weight machines, and demos of new equipment recently added to the Multipurpose Room. Two sessions available, at 1:30 and 2:45pm. Presented by the Well-Being Team, Athletics, and BWell.
5:30-7:00 – Adventure in Dining: Local Night (Commons) Come learn how DCCE supports students’ physical, mental, social, environmental, academic and financial well-being. Come visit the folks from Greenwood Orchards, one of the many farms supplying Bates with fresh local food.
6:30 – Spatial Awareness & Self Defense Class (Commons 221) This women’s affinity class is meant to increase spatial awareness and teach skills for physical self defense. Advance registration required at this link. Presented by Campus Safety.
8:00 – Arts & Spirituality Maker Space (le Ronj) Come join us to decompress, relax, and create art in community at the Ronj! Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
9:00 – {Pause} (Gomes Chapel) Pause is a reflective secular service of music, poetry, silence, dance and art. It is a perfect break for quiet reflection and meditation. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
Thursday 9/26/2024
11:00-2:00 – Eat, Sleep, Move: SLEEP Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during lunch to chat with us about sleep hygiene, how to set up an ideal sleep environment, and pick up a raffle ticket that you can return to us tomorrow!
12:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
4:30 – Finding Balance: Stress Management with CAPS (Student Center for Belonging and Community (formerly OIE) Back Lounge) Join staff from CAPS for this interactive workshop focused on stress-management. We will explore how self-talk can impact your mood and share strategies to help find more relaxation, calm and peace in the day to day. Snacks will be provided!
6:00 – Hearth (Multifaith Chaplaincy) Hearth is a comforting biweekly dinner where students come together from all corners of campus for food, comforting silence, and sharing in response to thoughtful queries that encourage reflection and vulnerability. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
7:00 – Big Prize Trivia (Bobcat Den) Hosted by the Well-Being at Bates team and DCCE. Special treats available in the Den, with trivia questions covering a variety of well-being topics, and prizes awarded every round!
Friday 9/27/2024
All Day – SASC Book Club (Online signup) Join SASC student tutors in one of three STEM-themed book clubs! Books center around math, biology, and physics-themed topics. Each book club will provide a free copy of the book for the first twelve participants. Sign up here for meetings beginning next week!
7:00 – TOP Pilates (Merrill Multipurpose 213) A low impact, full-body workout session using body weight to build long lean muscles, increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and improve posture.
11:00-2:00 – Well-Being Wagon (All over campus) Keep an eye out for some familiar faces driving around campus and handing out stickers, candy, and well-being prizes! Presented by Residence Life student staff.
11:00-12:30 – Slime Making & Doggie Snuggles (Outside Commons) Stop by and join the CAPS staff for slime making instructions and supplies, and our CAPS-associated dog Rory available to pet or feed treats in this drop in, self-care event designed to get you out of your head and into the here and now!
12:00 – Gentle Hatha Yoga (Chase Hall, Skelton) Flow style yoga, intended for beginners and intermediate participants.
Saturday 9/28/2024
2:00 – Men’s Soccer: Bates v. Amherst (Russell Street Turf) Join us to cheer on the Bobcats against the Mammoths in a Well-Being Week themed match-up and for some t-shirt giveaways!
September 2023: Inaugural Well-Being Week
Monday 9/25/2023
8:15 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
8:15 – Zumba (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) A fun class for all fitness levels, Zumba incorporates Latin style dance as an aerobic exercise session.
10:00 – Yom Kippur Morning Service (Gomes Chapel) Presented by the Jewish Student Union.
10:00-2:00pm – Bike Registration Drive (In Front of Commons) Register your bike with Campus Safety! Bring your bike to get a registration sticker — an important, free, anti-theft measure.
11:30-1:30 – Well-Being Wagon (All over campus) Keep an eye out for some familiar faces driving around campus and handing out stickers, candy, and well-being prizes! Presented by Residence Life student staff.
11:30-1:30 – Gratitude Teakeaways (Fireplace Lounge) Presented by CAPS.
12:00 – Empowered Strength Training (Merrill Track) A challenge by choice resistance training session.
12:00 – Monday Meditation (Gomes Chapel) 30 minutes of mindfulness meditation, beginning with guided settling and leads into silence. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
4:00-6:00 – Well-Being Fair (Commons Tent) Explore the various offices and programs, and connect with the people who support well-being in all its forms on campus. Presented by Well-Being at Bates.
4:15 – Pilates in the OIE (OIE Lounge) Join us for a 45-minute pilates class. Presented by the OIE.
4:30 – Indoor Cycling (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) These sessions will push your aerobic system while having a low impact on your joint. Classes are 45 minutes long and will not require sign-ups but will be on a first come first serve basis.
5:30 – Yizkor and Break Fast (Commons 221) Presented by the Jewish Student Union.
Tuesday 9/26/2023
7:00 – Pilates (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) A low impact, full-body workout session using body weight to build long lean muscles, increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and improve posture.
11:30-1:30 – Hang Out with Rory (Outside Commons) Meet Rory, an Australian Labradoodle, and his owner, Jess Mayo, counselor at CAPS! Stop by for resources on self-soothing techniques and a moment with a friendly campus dog!
12:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
12:15 – Job Shadow Info Session (Commons 201) Join Purposeful Work for an overview of the Job Shadow Programs, including shadow options, application requirements, and how to make the most of this Purposeful Work exploration program that connects students with alumni and parents to learn about their professional pathways. Presented by Amy Jaffe and the Center for Purposeful Work.
4:15 – Everything is Different (Chase 210 Lounge) Join Dean Reese and CAPS Director Wayne Assing in a conversation about experiencing the change of a new campus, environment, and culture at Bates.
5:00-7:00 – Eat, Sleep, Move: Sleep Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during dinner to chat with BHS Director Dr. Picard and colleagues about sleep hygiene and how to set up an ideal sleep environment!
Wednesday 9/27/2023
8:15 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
11:30-1:30 – Eat, Sleep, Move: Move Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during lunch to chat with Sports Medicine Director Dr. Walls and colleagues about strategies to incorporate movement into your daily routine!
12:00 – Collage Your Own Journal (Multifaith Chaplaincy) Bring your lunch to the Multifaith Chaplaincy for some artistic spiritual practice and to make a journal to take home. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
12:00 – Empowered Strength (Merrill Track) A challenge by choice resistance training session.
12:00 – Zumba (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) A fun class for all fitness levels, Zumba incorporates Latin style dance as an aerobic exercise session.
12:00 – Vinyasa (Chase Hall, Skelton) Flow style yoga, intended for beginners and intermediate participants.
4:30 – Indoor Cycling (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) These sessions will push your aerobic system while having a low impact on your joint. Classes are 45 minutes long and will not require sign-ups but will be on a first come first serve basis.
4:30 – Fairy House Building (Mt. David) What happened to the imaginations we had as children? Where did all the fairies go? If you want to spend some time outside this week, find a little moment of peace, even rekindle some of that childhood passion, join the Environmentalism through Art Theme House this Wednesday at 4:30 behind Gillespie Hall (280) to build some fairy houses on top of Mt. David.
5:30-7:00 – Adventure in Dining (Commons) Come learn how CHEWS and DCCE support students’ physical, mental, social, environmental, academic, and financial well-being. Stop by the Wyman’s blueberry truck outside, visit with Bates Garden managers and CHEWSies inside and learn more about Maine’s Food Waste Awareness Week.
9:00 – {Pause} (Gomes Chapel) Pause is a reflective secular service of music, poetry, silence, dance and art. It is a perfect break for quiet reflection and meditation. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
Thursday 9/28/2023
11:30-1:30 – Eat, Sleep, Move: Eat Edition (Fireplace Lounge) Stop by during lunch to chat with Dietician and Nutrition Educator Josh Palomera and colleagues about mindful eating and fueling your body for specific activities!
12:00 – Happiness Only Happens in the Present Moment (Fireplace Lounge Balcony Overlook) Join CAPS Director Wayne Assing in conversation around experiential reminders to center joy in your everyday life.
12:00 – Boot Camp (Merrill Track) Fitness class featuring a mix of aerobic, strength and core conditioning.
4:30 – Guided Meditation (Gomes Chapel) Join the leaders of the Mindfulness Theme House in a guided meditation.
6:00 – Hearth (Multifaith Chaplaincy) Hearth is a comforting biweekly dinner where students come together from all corners of campus for food, comforting silence, and sharing in response to thoughtful queries that encourage reflection and vulnerability. Presented by the Multifaith Chaplaincy.
7:00 – Mental Health Panel: The Rise of Therapy Speak (Commons 221/222) A panel discussion hosted by Bates College Student Government, featuring mental health professionals and practitioners from across the college, discussing questions around the way social media has impacted mental health. Presented by BCSG and Well-Being at Bates.
9:00 – Village Club Series (VCS) (Ben Mays Center) Join us for a warm, welcoming coffeehouse-style setting and enjoy a wide array of artists and genres. Featuring artist Lily Rayne. Presented by Campus Life.
Friday 9/29/2023
7:00 – Pilates (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) A low impact, full-body workout session using body weight to build long lean muscles, increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and improve posture.
11:30-1:30 Pops & Props (Fireplace Lounge) Join some familiar faces from CAPS: get a tootsie pop for you and share some props — positive affirmations or feedback — with yourself and others!
11:30-1:30 – Well-Being Wagon (All over campus) Keep an eye out for some familiar faces driving around campus and handing out stickers, candy, and well-being prizes! Presented by the staff at Bates Health Services.
12:00 – Cardio Funk (Merrill Multipurpose Room 213) Get a sweat in while having a blast in this upbeat cardio dance session.
12:30 – Shuttle to Jummah Prayer (Chase Hall Muslim Prayer Room) Presented by the Muslim Student Association.
4:00-6:00 – OIE Community Dinner (OIE Kitchen) Join the OIE for a meal in community. Contact Mana Abdi for more information.
4:30 – Community Through Cooking Smoothie Bowls (Pierce House) Join members of the Community Through Cooking Theme House for smoothie bowls and connection!
7:30 – Big Prize Trivia (Memorial Commons) Hosted by the Well-Being at Bates team and the ResLife Community Advisors. Trivia questions will cover a variety of well-being topics, and prizes are awarded every round!
Saturday 9/30/2023
10:30-5:00 – IM Pickleball Tournament (Merrill) Grab a friend and join the Intramural Pickleball Tournament! M Sports creates opportunities for participation, relationship-building, healthy competition, and leadership in a relaxed, yet organized, recreational environment.
1:00-3:00 – Anything But Homework! (Peer Learning Commons) Join the PLC tutors and staff for a relaxing afternoon of board games and snacks, and an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the new Peer Learning Commons space, while NOT focusing on your homework!
6:00 – Bates v. Colby Football (Garcelon Field) Cheer on the Bobcats in their home opener against Colby! Well-Being at Bates t-shirts will be available for the first 150 attendees.
9:00 – NESCAC Multicultural Mixer (Memorial Commons) Hosted by the Bates OIE and equivalent offices at Bowdoin and Colby, an opportunity to connect and socialize with community members from our peer NESCAC institutions in Maine!