Updates and Opportunities

I’m pleased to announce that yesterday we upgraded WordPress to its most recent version (5.3). One change you’ll notice immediately is the little blue eye in the password field of the login screen (screenshot below). This new icon allows you to view your password if you want to. It’s a small change and nothing to be leery of. Also new to version 5.3 are improvements to the Block Editor’s columns, accessibility, and keyboard navigation. All good things.
Block Editor and Classic Editor
Since Bates made the Block Editor available in February of this year, nearly half of our sites have switched to using it as the default editor. Given the high adoption rate and positive feedback, we’ll be making the Block Editor the default editor for all sites in February of 2020. Any pages or posts made in the Classic Editor will remain unchanged and support for the Classic Editor will continue into the foreseeable future. Any new pages/posts made after Feb. 2020 will default to be made within the Block Editor.
I encourage you to use the Block Editor before Feb. 2020, though. We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from folks who appreciate the more visual experience and how the Block Editor surfaces features previously obfuscated by shortcodes.
Training Opportunities
In the new year, the always popular one on one WordPress trainings will be available again. If you’re new to WordPress, need a refresher, or help with a specific task, these trainings are great opportunity to learn. Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll have a student reach out.