Making Links

Style Guide

When using links, it’s best to link two or three word phrases rather than single words. Longer links are easier to recognize as links, and give users more context as to what they can click on.

The wording of the link should describe what it links to, rather than something nondescript (e.g., use “contact us” rather than “click here”).

Email Links

To create an email link, start by clicking the Insert Link icon. Next, remove the http:// and add mailto: Enter the desired email address after the mailto: attribute. Ex.

Correct, contextualized links

General College credit

To receive basic college credit, the Off-Campus Study Office needs to receive an official transcript from your program or university and a completed Bates Evaluation from you. The evaluation is very important to the college and to future Bates students. An online evaluation form is available on Garnet Gateway (go to the Evaluation Menu).

With the completion of the evaluation, you automatically receive four course credits per semester for junior semester abroad and other affiliated programs provided you fulfilled the Bates requirements. Junior Year Abroad students receive eight course credits.

Incorrect, unincorporated links

General College credit

To receive basic college credit, the Off-Campus Study Office needs to receive an official transcript from your program or university and a completed Bates Evaluation from you. The evaluation is very important to the college and to future Bates students. An online evaluation form is available on Garnet Gateway (go to the Evaluation Menu).

For the Garnet Gateway, click here.

With the completion of the evaluation, you automatically receive four course credits per semester for junior semester abroad and other affiliated programs provided you fulfilled the Bates requirements. Junior Year Abroad students receive eight course credits.

For Bates requirements, click here.