Student Housing at Gillespie Hall

New residence at Gillespie Hall
Dual flush toilet at Gillespie Hall

High performance building design aspects were addressed at all stages of the design process. Bates worked with the architectural team to review technology and design options, select materials, manage waste, model for energy performance, and perform life cycle costing, all included in the contractor specifications. For both the New Student Housing and the New Dining Commons LEED registration and documentation were not performed in consideration of the cost.

Here is a short list of the building’s green attributes:


  • Energy performance 25 percent more efficient than code
  • Water use reduction (0.5 GPM sinks, 2.0GPM shower heads)
  • Renewable energy (100 percent of electrical load offset by renewable energy source)
  • Landscape/Site (50percent or more of open space maintained)
  • Storm water management via retention in underground tanks
  • Carbon dioxide monitoring system for heating and ventilation systems
  • No HCFC (ozone layer damaging) refrigerants
  • Performance lighting
  • Occupancy sensors for lighting
  • Alternative transportation (bike racks and bike shed)
  • Heat island reduction (shade trees)
  • Water efficient landscaping (no irrigation required or provided)
  • Construction waste management (specified with a goal of 75 percent of waste recycled)
  • Recycled content (post consumer) products (specified)
  • Low-emitting materials (specified)
  • Indoor pollutant control (entry grilles)
  • System controllability (individual light, temperature, ventilation)
  • Daylight and views (90 percent of spaces)
  • Dedicated recycling centers throughout the facility
  • Building commissioning